Therapeutic Yoga Method

Feel strong in your body, calm in your mind, and clear in your heart.

Clarity of Heart Yoga is a Therapeutic Yoga studio in Sedona, Arizona. The Therapeutic Yoga Method is a floor-based practice consisting of passive and active movements that help to unwind tension, build strength, calm the mind and regulate the nervous system.

This method is designed with the intention of harmonizing and strengthening the body in a systematic and efficient way. Through consistent regular practice, natural levels of mobility and movement are restored and maintained, and the body is returned to its optimal structure and functionality.

This form of yoga is especially beneficial for those who are working through chronic pain and injuries, general aches and stiffness, and for the inflexible, the hyper-flexible and the aging body. This yoga works from the joints and helps to counteract the harmful effects of modern living such as sitting for long periods of time. The goal of the practice is to keep you healthy, mobile and pain free for as long as possible.

Freedom in the body and mind is everyone's birthright, so no matter what your age or current condition, the Therapeutic Yoga Method can help you return to your natural state of health and vitality.

The Therapeutic Yoga Method activates the body's natural healing intelligence through four key systems:

  • A prevalent myth suggests that yoga merely stretches the muscles. However, muscles don't stretch in the traditional sense; they release. Current research indicates that stretching doesn't permanently elongate muscles. Instead, it reconditions the nervous system to handle greater muscle extension without triggering pain. Therapeutic Yoga uses specific movements and props to apply pressure to specific areas of the body. Pressure helps to dissolve restrictions, enhance circulation and facilitate muscle release that supports a broader range of motion.

  • Fascia, or connective tissue, serves as a protective shield for our nervous system and communicates with our brain. When our body faces restrictions, our fascia can become dehydrated, inflexible, fragile, and sticky. Beyond hydration and healthy lifestyle habits, Therapeutic Yoga remodels our fascia, promoting the return of its natural fluidity.

  • Our joints and bones thrive under pressure and compression, essential for their health. In Therapeutic Yoga, applied pressure prompts the movement of synovial fluid. This action helps "cleanse" the joints by pushing out trapped chemicals and toxins. The intentional and strategic application of pressure contributes to enhanced joint mobility, improved circulation, soft tissue release, proprioceptive activation, reduced stiffness, enhanced range of motion, and pain reduction.

  • In today's fast-paced world, a significant challenge we face is the constant barrage of distractions and information overload. More often than not, we are over-stimulated and over-worked, spending long periods of time sitting in a chair or in front of a screen. This lifestyle pushes our nervous system into a state of heightened alertness known as the sympathetic state, which is commonly referred to as the "fight or flight" mode.

    When the sympathetic nervous system remains highly active for prolonged periods, our body remains in a chronic state of stress, even when there's no immediate threat or danger. This prolonged stress can have a detrimental impact on both our physical and emotional well-being. It can manifest in various ways, including digestive problems, disrupted sleep patterns, chronic pain, persistent fatigue and a compromised immune system.

    Therapeutic Yoga offers a valuable solution to counteract the harmful effects of our high-stress lifestyles.

    This practice has the ability to shift the nervous system from the overactive sympathetic state to the parasympathetic state, often referred to as the "rest and digest" mode. This transition allows the body to recover and heal from the wear and tear of chronic stress. As you dive into the emotional and somatic dimensions of your experience during practice, neural pathways associated with stress responses are gradually rewired. With regular, consistent practice, Therapeutic Yoga promotes neuroplasticity and supports a more resilient and regulated nervous system.


  • The Therapeutic Yoga Method has been designed to help you feel your absolute best!

    A large portion of members are between the ages of 50 and 80+, and many have a history of joint pain, major surgeries, or lack of mobility.

    Many members have seen positive results from a consistent, regular practice.

    If you can get up and down off the ground without assistance then you can most likely reap the benefits of Therapeutic Yoga.

    Please note, we are located on the 2nd floor. There are about 20 stairs to get up to the studio.

    Always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before implementing any new exercise program.

  • #1. There is a special emphasis on joints

    This practice incorporates a selection of poses that gently engage and stretch specific joints where tightness is most common. This method of yoga uses movements and props to apply pressure to the joints, which increases synovial fluid production for joint lubrication and enhances circulation. By focusing on the intricate dynamics of joints and tissues, Therapeutic Yoga aims to alleviate stiffness, reduce inflammation, and promote overall joint health.

    #2. This is a floor based practice

    While we do incorporate standing poses, the majority of the practice is done on the floor. We generally only make one or two transitions from seated to standing during each class, so you’re not constantly getting up and down off the ground. If you're a little slow to get up and down off the floor that is absolutely ok. As long as you can get up and down off the ground without assistance, you’ll be just fine.

    #3. There is a big emphasis on relaxation

    In Therapeutic Yoga we do focus on strengthening the muscles, but this is not a sweaty practice that will have you breathing heavily. We move slowly and consciously and hold each pose for a significant amount of time. The goal is to give the body enough time to be able to adapt so that you can really relax and reap the healing benefits.

    #4. This practice is designed to regulate the nervous system and calm the mind

    Therapeutic Yoga has the amazing ability to modify the nervous system's patterns. Given the constant bombardment of stimuli and information in our fast paced society, we are all in need of an outlet that helps us to slow down and regulate our nervous system.

    One of the unique benefits of Therapeutic Yoga is that it deepens the mind body connection. It encourages a focused but relaxed concentration. We direct our focus to discover hidden tensions in the body and help them release. This practice promotes improved mental resilience, reduced anxiety, and an enhanced sense of well-being.

    #5. Therapeutic Yoga is especially beneficial for those with joint pain, injuries, stiffness, or mobility restrictions.

    Many members of our local Sedona studio have limited mobility, injuries, or chronic pain. Many have also had hip replacements, knee replacements, or other major surgeries. Many have experienced positive results from consistent, regular practice. This yoga works to counteract the harmful effects of modern living such as sitting and standing for long periods of time, in order to keep you healthy, mobile and pain free for as long as possible.

    Freedom in the body and mind is everyone's birthright. The Therapeutic Yoga Method has been designed to help you return to your natural state of health and vitality.

  • Yin and restorative yoga are passive practices that do not emphasize active muscle engagement. Therapeutic Yoga not only stretches but also strengthens by targeting specific muscle groups and joints.

    Strengthening is just as important as flexibility because it helps create balance in the body and supports overall physical health and well-being.

    While flexibility allows for a greater range of motion and can reduce the risk of injury, strength provides stability and support to the joints and muscles, preventing overextension and promoting proper alignment.

    In Therapeutic Yoga, strengthening exercises help build muscle tone, improve posture, and enhance overall functional movement patterns. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with joint pain, muscle imbalances, or limited mobility, as strengthening exercises help to support and protect vulnerable areas of the body.

    Having a balanced combination of strength and flexibility leads to better body awareness, improved coordination, and increased resilience against injuries or strain. By incorporating both strength-building and flexibility-enhancing practices, Therapeutic Yoga aims to optimize physical function, promote structural integrity, and support long-term health and vitality.

  • Sound healing, when incorporated into Therapeutic Yoga, offers numerous benefits:

    Relaxation: Instruments like crystal bowls induce deep relaxation, complementing the calming nature of Therapeutic Yoga.

    Meditative Focus: Sounds provide a point of concentration, deepening meditation and relaxation during yoga.

    Emotional Release: Both Therapeutic Yoga and sound healing can help to release pent-up emotions.

    Energy Balancing: Sound healing can harmonize the body's energy centers further amplified by Therapeutic Yoga's balancing effects.

    Stress Reduction: The combination of sound healing and Therapeutic Yoga offers a potent remedy against stress.

    Parasympathetic Activation: Both Therapeutic Yoga and sound healing help to activate the "rest and digest" response, promoting relaxation and healing.

  • The 45 minute classes are approximately 40 minutes of yoga and 5 minutes of sound healing and relaxation.

    The 45 minute classes at 8 AM are great for those who want to start of their day in a positive way but don’t have enough time in their schedule during the week to practice for the full 60 or 75 minutes.

    45 minute classes are also great for those who have to get to work by 9 or 10 AM and for those who live in West Sedona. If you’re coming from West Sedona, you can get to the studio in time to dodge the traffic!

    The 60 & 75 minute classes consist of more poses, longer holds, and a longer relaxation with sound healing.

    A 60 min class is typically 50 minutes of yoga and 10 minutes of relaxation and sound healing.

    A 75 minute class is typically 60 minutes of yoga and 10-15 minutes of relaxation and sound healing.

    60 & 75 minute classes are great for those who have enough time and flexibility in their schedule, and also for those who desire a longer, more in-depth session.

  • Consistency is key! The benefits of Therapeutic Yoga don't just manifest after one class; they build over time. Every moment on the mat, is an investment in your well-being. By remaining engaged and showing up, even on days when it feels challenging, you're nurturing a relationship with yourself that's rooted in love, patience, care and understanding. For best results aim to practice at least 2-3x per week.

Meet Ayla, owner and founder of Clarity of Heart Yoga

For over a decade, I have immersed myself in the multifaceted world of yoga, passionately teaching and deeply studying Therapeutic Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Yoga for Cancer Survivors, Prenatal Yoga, and Restorative Yoga. Alongside my yoga journey, I've earned a certification as a Functional Medicine Health Coach. I have committed myself to learning and studying holistic health and spiritual well-being.

My mission has been to create a method of yoga that’s not just another form of exercise, but rather, a system specifically designed to help people regain their natural ranges of mobility and movement, and to remain pain free for as long as possible.

I believe that people should be able to practice yoga sustainably throughout the course of their entire life. The Therapeutic Yoga Method is devoted to creating and maintaining physical, mental and emotional well-being as we age. My approach is an integration of my extensive learnings from diverse mentors and schools of yoga. I design every sequence strategically to harmonize and strengthen the body in a systematic and efficient way.

To open a studio in Sedona, amidst such beauty and serenity, has been a long time dream. The sense of community and belonging here makes me feel incredibly grateful to call Sedona home.

When you step into one of my classes, you can anticipate an atmosphere of tranquility and openness. Here, you're invited to immerse yourself fully, to slow down your pace, to calm down your mind, and to foster a deep connection with the innate peace that emerges from the simple act of being present.

I can’t wait to meet you and am excited to grow and evolve in this journey together. I look forward to seeing you soon!


Visit Us

70 Bell Rock Plaza Suite D

(2nd floor above Hippiebird Life)